Do you have a pet? If yes, what pets do you have at home? Are you a dog lover, cat lover or even fish lover? I started with one fish I named Azule, such name because he is blue. He is actually a fighting fish and I had placed him in a bowl. James told me no fish should be placed in a bowl but never mind, he is just a tiny fish and he don't need some big aquariums. He can't be with somebody else inside the bowl too because if we do, he will gonna attack anybody else regardless if its a girl or boy fish. That's the reason why he is known to be called Fighting fish.
But Azule is not in the photo above, those are our new fish pets. They don't have names anymore because they are increasing, they are all cichlids and that naming them will just make me confuse. So I made a scrapbook page for them because I enjoy watching them swim here and there. Specially when they eat because they become very active and very aggressive.
By the way, Cichlids are known to be the most intelligent fishes. I had noticed that when it is time for them to eat, they seem to watch me from the glasses. They stare at me like they're gonna eat me and then once I pour the floating fish food, they begin to swim with all their might to get some of the stuff that I had spilled over.