Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Scrapbook Idea: Love Photo Stamp

It isn't the month of love yet but I am posting this scrapbook page/photo template because I want to welcome December with nothing but love love love. Love, in the first place is the reason why we have Christmas.

The photo template is perfect for those who has found their partners in life. I have found mine and I pray he will be the same person whom I am facing the altar with in the future. Teehee...

The photo label goes like this:

Relationships fall and whither because eventually someone stops trying and it doesn’t feel the same. The first couple of months or even years it may be the best thing you ever wished for, but eventually someone loses feelings, gets to busy, or doesn’t even bother to try. You know what? Because they’re comfortable. The beginning is all about the chase. Can you keep up? If you can then you’ll get the hang of it and then you won’t want to try anymore. You aren’t afraid to lose them because they’re yours. Arguing leads to fighting and it just gets worse from there. It all flashes by so fast. So, cherish what you have.
Boy, how I love this passage, got it from Tumblr. The photo we have here is actually an old one, taken I guess a year a ago somewhere in Bohol. Actually, this is in a beach named Bugnaw Se-i. We were in a vacation then and we tried to go to different beaches in my hometown. It was a good experience and the sunset here was very beautiful so we didn't pass it without a remembrance. Love love love!!! BTW, font used is Ballpark.

If you want to download this, just hit the download button below but make sure to hit the like button as well.

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