Saturday, May 30, 2020

Digital Lettering: Day 2 of #30daysofbiblelettering Challenge

I have this tendency of being inconsistent with my posting. I know I promised that in the next 20 days, I will be sharing the daily bible letterings that I made last month and although today is just the second day, I already have the urge to delay the post. 

Today was a little tiring but still very fulfilling because I get to join a Growing Baby class and it is filled with good things. I learned a lot about pregnancy, labor and birthing as well as breastfeeding, baby wearing and cloth diaper all in one day! How amazing is that? Imagine how much information my brain was taking in today. So I napped after the full day session, I wasn't even been able to do a live video on my YouTube channel even if it's my schedule day because I was already tired.

What else did happen today? Well, my neighbor also gave me three sets of bra. Yes, I was really surprised about it. This neighbor or ours really had been very generous to us and since these items fit me well, I told her I will pay for it. After a lot of persistence, she agreed but she still gave me discount. Also, I bought a pre-loved polka dot wrap dress. I will then be wearing it in my next doctor's appointment later this week.

Oh May went by so fast! But anyway, I am sharing today the second day of the #30dayletteringchallenge and this verse is taken from 1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭which states:

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

Here's a timelapse video of the this piece:

This is a 1500x1500 pixels in size and is 300dpi so you can also have it printed and frame it or give it as gifts! I would love to know if you did, please do let me know! 

Also, I created a phone wallpaper version of the image as well which has a 1600x900 pixels and still in 300dpi which is included in the zip file ready for download.

What are you waiting for? You may grab the two images from the link below!

Please don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow me on Instagram too! I also have set up my YouTube channel already.

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